| Date: 05.06.2023

As World Oceans Day approaches, it’s the perfect time to celebrate and appreciate the wonders of India’s marine world. With its vast coastline and diverse ecosystems, India offers a plethora of opportunities to witness incredible sea creatures, enjoy breathtaking ocean views, and try delicious seafood dishes.

Let’s dive into the depths of the Indian Ocean, where you can spot majestic sea turtles nesting along pristine beaches, embark on thrilling dolphin-watching excursions, and spot graceful manta rays in crystal-clear waters. Coastal resorts offer a perfect blend of tranquillity and stunning ocean vistas, providing an idyllic escape from the everyday hustle.

So, whether you’re an adventure seeker, nature lover, or simply looking for a serene retreat, the Indian Ocean beckons with its enchanting allure and diverse offerings. On World Oceans Day, let’s come together to appreciate and protect the treasures of our oceans for future generations to enjoy.

Maldives Islands Ocean Tropical Beach

10 Top Facts about the Indian Ocean for World Oceans Day

  1. The Indian Ocean is the third largest ocean in the world, covering an area of approximately 70.56 million square kilometres.
  2. It is bordered by Africa to the west, Asia to the north, Australia to the east, and the Southern Ocean to the south.
  3. The Indian Ocean is known for its warm waters, making it home to a rich variety of marine life, including vibrant coral reefs, whales, dolphins, and numerous fish species.
  4. It has important maritime trade routes, serving as a vital link between the Middle East, Africa, and Asia.
  5. The Indian Ocean is characterized by monsoon winds that greatly influence weather patterns and ocean currents in the region.
  6. The ocean floor of the Indian Ocean contains numerous undersea features, including the world’s largest submarine mountain range known as the Mid-Indian Ridge.
  7. The Maldives, Seychelles, and the Andaman and Nicobar Islands are some of the popular island destinations located within the Indian Ocean.
  8. The Indian Ocean is home to the world’s largest saltwater lake, the Red Sea, which is connected to the ocean through the Bab-el-Mandeb Strait.
  9. It is believed that early maritime trade and cultural exchange between Africa, Asia, and the Middle East flourished in the Indian Ocean region for thousands of years.
  10. The Indian Ocean is susceptible to natural disasters such as cyclones and tsunamis, with significant impacts on coastal regions and island nations.
Fishing Boats, Cochin (Kochi), Kerala

Indian Marine Life

India’s coastal waters boast a rich tapestry of marine life, captivating both locals and visitors with their diverse and mesmerizing array of underwater creatures. From colourful coral reefs to graceful sea turtles, exploring this underwater kingdom reveals a world of unparalleled wonder and breath-taking beauty.

World Oceans Day serves as a timely reminder to appreciate and protect these precious ecosystems. It is a day dedicated to raising awareness about the importance of our oceans and the need to take collective action to ensure their health and vitality.

Dive into the depths of India’s coastal waters and immerse yourself in the awe-inspiring realm of marine life that awaits beneath the surface.

Majestic Sea Turtles

India’s coastal regions are blessed with the presence of magnificent sea turtles, which hold a special place in the hearts of nature enthusiasts and conservationists alike. From the iconic Olive Ridley turtles to the majestic leatherback and green turtles, these ancient creatures grace the shores of India during their nesting season, leaving a lasting impression on the sandy beaches.

Witnessing the sight of a mother turtle laying her eggs or hatchlings making their journey to the sea is a truly awe-inspiring experience. The conservation efforts undertaken in India have played a significant role in protecting these endangered species and ensuring their continued presence in our oceans for generations to come.

Playful Dolphins

The Indian coastline offers several locations where you can witness the playful antics of dolphins. In popular beach destinations such as Goa, Karnataka, and the Andaman Islands, embark on dolphin-watching excursions to catch glimpses of these intelligent creatures as they frolic in the waves, riding alongside boats and charming onlookers with their acrobatics.

World Oceans Day celebrates the incredible diversity of marine life, including the joyful presence of dolphins. It encourages us to appreciate the beauty of these creatures and to work towards protecting their habitats and ensuring their well-being.


Graceful Manta Rays

Venture into the pristine waters surrounding the Andaman and Nicobar Islands, and you may be lucky enough to encounter the breath-taking sight of majestic Manta Rays gracefully gliding through the depths. These gentle giants, with their expansive wingspan, fascinate observers with their ethereal presence and captivating movements.


Colourful Coral Reefs

The Andaman and Nicobar Islands are an underwater paradise, where vibrant coral reefs paint the ocean floor with a riot of colours. Snorkel or scuba dive among the diverse coral formations, and you’ll be surrounded by a kaleidoscope of marine life, including colourful reef fish, delicate sea anemones, and intricate coral structures that form the backbone of this vibrant ecosystem.


Exploring these marine marvels not only provides a window into the extraordinary biodiversity of India’s oceans but also emphasizes the need for their protection and preservation. As we celebrate World Oceans Day, it is crucial to appreciate and safeguard these fragile ecosystems, ensuring their survival for generations to come. By embracing sustainable practices, promoting responsible tourism, and supporting conservation efforts, we can contribute to the preservation of these incredible marine habitats and the countless species that call them home.

Hawksbill Turtle, Maldives

Our Four Favourite Coastal Retreats

To truly immerse yourself in the splendour of India’s oceans, indulge in the coastal retreats that offer mesmerizing ocean views and an ambience of serenity. To celebrate World Oceans Day, here are a few resorts that will leave you spellbound:

The Leela, Kovalam, Kerala

Nestled amidst coconut groves and overlooking the Arabian Sea, The Leela in Kovalam is a haven of luxury and tranquillity. Relax on the pristine beaches, take in the panoramic views and pamper yourself with world-class amenities and impeccable service.

Tilar Siro Andamans

Tilar Siro Andamans is a stunning destination nestled by the ocean, offering a picturesque setting for those seeking a tranquil retreat. Its proximity to the azure waters provides spectacular views and an immersive experience of the coastal beauty.

Marari Beach Resort, Mararikulam, Kerala

Located along the peaceful Marari Beach, Marari Beach Resort offers a serene and idyllic getaway. Immerse yourself in the gentle rhythms of the coastal village life, unwind in the lush gardens, and savour delicious cuisine made from locally sourced ingredients.

Swaswara, Gokarna, Karnataka

Tucked away on the serene Om Beach, Swaswara is a wellness retreat that invites you to rejuvenate your body, mind, and soul. Surrounded by nature’s tranquillity, immerse yourself in yoga and meditation sessions, enjoy holistic spa treatments, and take in the mesmerizing ocean vistas.


These coastal resorts provide a perfect blend of luxury, natural beauty, and incredible ocean views, allowing you to unwind and reconnect with the enchanting power of the sea. Whether you seek relaxation, adventure, or wellness, these retreats offer an escape to paradise where the ocean meets tranquillity.

15 of the best swimming pools in South India Leela Kovalam

The Fishing Trade: Nurturing Lives and Livelihoods

The fishing trade holds a special place within the coastal communities of India, deeply rooted in their culture, livelihoods, and culinary traditions. As you journey along India’s diverse coastline, take a moment to appreciate the efforts and challenges faced by these fishing communities who sustainably harvest the ocean’s abundances.


Traditional Fishing Techniques

Uncover the age-old fishing techniques that have been passed down through generations. From the iconic Chinese fishing nets adorning the shores of Kerala, elegantly operated by a system of pulleys and counterweights, to the sturdy fishing catamarans known as “paduks” found along the coasts of Tamil Nadu, witness the ingenuity and craftsmanship of these traditional methods.


Vibrant Fish Markets

Immerse yourself in the vibrant atmosphere of bustling fish markets that dot the coastal towns. Explore iconic markets like Mumbai’s historic Sassoon Dock, where the air is filled with the aroma of fresh seafood, or Chennai’s bustling Kasimedu, where fishermen bring in their daily catch to be traded amidst a lively and bustling crowd. Engage with the local fishmongers and witness the incredible variety of marine life on display, showcasing the richness of India’s coastal waters.


Sustainable Fishing Practices

While you’re exploring India, you can see how fishermen use special nets and techniques to catch fish responsibly, avoiding catching small or unintended species. You can also discover how responsible fishing helps protect important fish habitats, reduce accidental catches, and ensures there are enough fish for the future.


Community Collaboration

Witness the unity and resilience of the fishing communities as they navigate challenges such as changing weather patterns, fluctuating fish populations, and evolving regulations.


Cultural Significance

Delve into the cultural significance of fishing in coastal communities, where age-old traditions, rituals, and folklore intertwine with the rhythms of the ocean. Discover how fishing influences local festivals, songs, and cuisine, with delectable seafood dishes showcasing the freshest catches and regional flavours.


As we celebrate the beauty and importance of India’s oceans on World Oceans Day, it’s great to acknowledge and appreciate the strong connection between the fishing trade, the livelihoods of coastal communities, and their cultural heritage.

Chinese Fishing Nets, Cochin (Kochi), Kerala

Culinary Delights: Exploring the Flavours of the Indian Ocean


India’s coastal regions are a food lover’s paradise, filled with delicious dishes inspired by the treasures of the Indian Ocean. Embrace the culinary delights that celebrate the freshest catches, aromatic spices, and unique ingredients that make coastal cuisine a true feast for the senses.

On World Oceans Day, let’s celebrate the culinary delights of coastal street food, which not only tempt your taste buds but also highlight the abundance and diversity of the Indian Ocean’s treasures. From succulent seafood to aromatic herbs and spices, here are some culinary delights that you can savour along the Indian coastline.


Fresh Seafood

Indulge in an array of freshly caught seafood delicacies that showcase the rich flavours of the Indian Ocean. From delectable fish curries made with locally sourced Pomfret (Indian Butterfish) or Kingfish, to tangy prawn masalas and fragrant lobster dishes, coastal cuisine will tantalise your taste buds with its diverse range of seafood offerings. Explore the coastal towns and cities, from Kolkata to Kochi, and sample regional specialties that celebrate the bounty of the sea.


Coconut-based Delicacies

The coastal cuisine of India is renowned for its generous use of coconut in various forms. From coconut milk used to create creamy curries to grated coconut providing a subtle sweetness to dishes, the flavour of coconut weaves its way into many Indian cooking styles. Be sure to try dishes like Kerala’s iconic Malabar Fish Curry or Mangalorean Prawn Gassi, where coconut-based sauces beautifully complement the seafood.


Aromatic Spices and Herbs

Coastal regions along the Indian Ocean are blessed with an abundance of aromatic spices and herbs that enhance the flavours of dishes. Experience the magic of spices like turmeric, cumin, coriander, and cardamom, which infuse curries with their distinctive aromas. Fresh herbs like curry leaves, lemongrass, and holy basil add a fragrant touch to seafood preparations, creating a harmonious blend of flavours.


Seaweed and Sea plants

Explore the lesser-known culinary treasures of the Indian Ocean by sampling dishes incorporating seaweed and sea plants. In coastal regions such as Tamil Nadu and Kerala, you may find dishes like “Agar Agar,” a jelly-like substance made from seaweed, or “Kappaphycus alvarezii,” a red algae used in salads and traditional preparations. These ingredients are not only unique but are also valued for their nutritional benefits.


Street Food Delights

Coastal cities are also home to vibrant street food scenes that feature delectable treats influenced by the ocean. From spicy fish fries and prawn cutlets to savoury fish rolls and coconut-filled crepes, the street food stalls offer a delightful blend of flavours that reflect the local culinary heritage.

Curries from around India - Kerala Fish Curry

Tidal Energy in India: Harnessing Coastal Power

India is actively exploring tidal energy along its coast as a renewable source of clean electricity. Projects in the Gulf of Kutch and Gulf of Cambay show promise in harnessing the power of tides using barrages and turbines. This sustainable energy solution offers predictability and environmental benefits, although it also faces challenges like costs and potential ecological impact. With government support and ongoing research, tidal energy holds great potential to reduce reliance on fossil fuels and pave the way for a greener future.


Watersports in India

The Indian Ocean presents an exhilarating playground for water sports enthusiasts, with its crystal-clear waters, warm climate, and stunning coastal landscapes. Adventure seekers flock to its shores to indulge in a wide array of thrilling activities, from snorkeling and scuba diving among vibrant coral reefs to kayaking through mangrove forests and riding the waves while surfing.



From the Maldives to Sri Lanka, the Indian Ocean offers fantastic surf breaks for all levels of expertise. Catch the perfect wave and experience the adrenaline rush that only surfing can provide.



Dive into the turquoise waters of the Andaman Islands or the Seychelles, and discover a vibrant underwater world filled with colorful coral reefs and mesmerizing marine life. Snorkeling allows you to get up close and personal with tropical fish, graceful sea turtles, and even the occasional reef shark.


Scuba Diving

With numerous dive sites scattered across the region, scuba diving in the Indian Ocean is an adventure like no other. Explore the fascinating underwater landscapes, encounter majestic manta rays, explore historic shipwrecks, and marvel at the diversity of marine species that call these waters home.


Jet Skiing and Parasailing

Feel the rush of adrenaline as you zoom across the waves on a jet ski, or soar high above the ocean with parasailing. These thrilling water sports offer breathtaking views and an exhilarating experience.



Embark on a kayaking adventure along the picturesque coastlines of the Indian Ocean. Paddle through mangrove forests, explore hidden coves, and soak in the natural beauty that surrounds you.


From the Maldives to Mauritius, the Indian Ocean is a haven for water sports enthusiasts. Whether you’re a beginner or an experienced thrill-seeker, these waters offer endless opportunities for adventure, exploration, and unforgettable memories. Dive in and immerse yourself in the excitement of water sports in the Indian Ocean.

Magical Place for Snorkelling and Scuba Diving, Havelock Island, Andaman

Environmental Challenges Facing India’s Oceans

India’s oceans face significant environmental challenges that pose significant threats to their health, delicate ecosystems, and long-term sustainability. These challenges demand urgent attention and concerted efforts to ensure the well-being of our oceans.



Industrial waste, untreated sewage, and agricultural runoff introduce pollutants into the marine environment, harming marine life. Proper waste management and recycling are crucial to reduce pollution.



Unregulated and unsustainable fishing practices deplete fish populations and harm fishing communities. Effective fisheries management and marine protected areas are needed to preserve fish stocks.


Coral Bleaching and Ocean Acidification

Rising temperatures and increased carbon dioxide levels cause coral bleaching and ocean acidification, endangering coral reefs. Raising awareness about climate change and supporting coral reef conservation is vital.


Coastal Development and Habitat Destruction

Rapid coastal development leads to habitat destruction, affecting mangroves, seagrass beds, and wetlands. Balancing development with conservation and implementing coastal zone management policies is necessary.


Plastic Pollution

Single-use plastics and inadequate waste management contribute to the accumulation of plastic debris in the marine environment. Promoting waste reduction, recycling, and clean-up campaigns is vital to combat plastic pollution.

Whale Watching Safari, Mirissa, Sri Lanka

World Oceans Day is the perfect time to appreciate and protect the incredible wonders of India’s coastal regions. We’re lucky to witness glorious marine creatures, relax in serene coastal retreats, and savour the traditions of fishing communities. But unfortunately, the India Ocean is facing challenges like pollution, overfishing, coral bleaching, coastal development, and plastic waste.

Each of us has the power to make an impact. Let’s choose sustainable seafood, ditch single-use plastics, join beach clean-ups, and back initiatives that protect our oceans. This World Oceans Day, let’s celebrate the beauty, diversity, and importance of India’s waters. By nurturing our coastal treasures, we ensure a brighter future for generations to come, where oceans flourish, communities thrive, and the wonders of our coasts continue to captivate us.

We hope you’ve enjoyed our blog for World Ocean Day! If we’ve inspired you to head to the coast on a tour of India, feel free to browse through our tours. But if you’d like us to sculpt a bespoke tour, then get in touch, we’d love to help.