| Date: 19.06.2023

As the sun rises on the International Day of Yoga, millions of individuals across the globe gather to celebrate this ancient practice that unifies mind, body, and spirit. Beyond simply physical exercise, yoga is a holistic philosophy and a way of life that combines the wisdom of ancient scriptures, the teachings of revered sages, and the timeless practices that guide individuals on a path of self-realisation and inner harmony.

Today, as the popularity of yoga continues to soar, more and more individuals are drawn to experience yoga in South India, a region renowned for its rich yogic heritage and serene natural beauty. South India’s tranquil landscapes, with their lush greenery, serene backwaters, and misty hills, provide the perfect backdrop for embarking on a transformative yoga journey.

From the tranquil shores of Kerala to the serene countryside of Karnataka, yoga in South India offers a plethora of retreats that cater to individuals of all abilities and ages, providing a sanctuary for self-reflection, rejuvenation, and spiritual growth.

To celebrate, we take a look at six of our favourite retreats for yoga in South India, where seekers can immerse themselves in the ancient practices of yoga, Ayurveda, and holistic well-being. These retreats, each with its unique charm and offerings, serve as gateways to inner peace, self-discovery, and the nurturing of the mind, body, and spirit. Namaste!

yoga in india

What is Yoga?

The ancient practice of Yoga is much more than physical exercise, it is a philosophy and a way of life that promotes balance, mindfulness, and union. Yoga incorporates the mind, body and spirit, and offers a transformative path toward self-realisation and inner harmony. Through a combination of physical postures (asanas), breath control (pranayama), meditation (dhyana), and ethical principles (yamas and niyamas), yoga practitioners embark on a journey of self-discovery, seeking to unite the individual self (jivatman) with the universal consciousness (Paramatman).

The practice of yoga goes beyond the boundaries of the mat, extending into every aspect of daily life. Through mindful movement and conscious breath, yoga cultivates strength, flexibility, and balance in the physical body. Simultaneously, it promotes mental clarity, emotional stability, and a deep connection to the present moment. Beyond the physical and mental benefits, yoga encourages practitioners to live by ethical principles, such as non-violence (ahimsa), truthfulness (satya), and self-discipline (tapas), fostering a sense of harmony and compassion in all relationships, including the relationship with yourself.

Yoga’s Origins in India

Yoga originated thousands of years ago in the Indus Valley as a philosophical system and a way of life. It evolved over time, drawing inspiration from various ancient Indian texts and spiritual traditions.

The ancient writings of India, like the Vedas and the Upanishads, hold valuable wisdom and teachings about yoga. In his book “Yoga Sutras”, the sage Patanjali organises the principles and practices of yoga into a clear guide for those seeking its benefits. In these writings, Patanjali outlines the eight limbs of yoga, known as Ashtanga Yoga. These include guidelines for living morally, physical postures, controlling the breath, withdrawing from distractions, focusing the mind, meditation, and achieving self-realisation. These teachings provide a comprehensive framework for practising and experiencing yoga’s transformative power.

The origins of yoga in South India are deeply intertwined with the ancient scriptures and cultural traditions of the region. Influenced by the spiritual practices of the Dravidian civilization, South India became a fertile ground for the growth and dissemination of yoga, making it a significant hub for the practice and study of this profound discipline.

Painting of Ancient Yoga
Ancient Yoga - Gobind from a copy of ʻAbd al-Rahim Khan’s Persian translation of the Baburnamah, 1590-92 (British Library Or.3714, f.197r)

Benefits of Practicing Yoga in South India

As the birthplace of yoga, India offers a unique and enriching experience for those seeking to deepen their practice. Here are some of the benefits of embarking on a journey of yoga in South India:

Spiritual and Cultural Immersion

India is known for its rich spiritual heritage and vibrant culture. By immersing yourself in the birthplace of yoga, you can experience the ancient traditions, rituals, and wisdom that have been passed down through generations. From visiting sacred temples to participating in spiritual ceremonies, experiencing yoga in South India provides a profound backdrop for spiritual exploration and growth.

Authentic Teaching

Many renowned yoga teachers and gurus hail from India, and practising yoga in its land of origin allows you to learn from authentic and knowledgeable sources. Whether you choose to study under an esteemed guru or join a retreat for yoga in South India led by experienced instructors, you can tap into the wisdom and expertise that has been nurtured for centuries.

Serene Natural Environment

South India’s stunning landscapes, from lush green forests to pristine beaches, provide an idyllic setting for practising yoga. The tranquillity and natural beauty of the surroundings create a harmonious atmosphere for yoga in South India, enhancing the practice and facilitating a deeper connection with nature.

Ayurvedic Healing Therapies

India is also renowned for its ancient healing system, Ayurveda, which complements the practice of yoga. Ayurveda offers a holistic approach to well-being, incorporating herbal treatments, nutrition, and lifestyle practices. Many retreats for yoga in South India integrate Ayurvedic therapies, allowing participants to experience the holistic benefits of both yoga and Ayurveda.

Personalized Guidance and Support

Whether you are a beginner or an advanced practitioner, yoga in South India caters to individuals of all abilities and ages. The experienced instructors and wellness professionals provide personalized guidance and support, tailoring the practices to suit your individual needs and goals.

Community and Connection

Engaging in yoga in South India allows you to connect with like-minded individuals worldwide. The shared journey of self-discovery and spiritual exploration creates a sense of community and fosters deep connections with fellow practitioners. It is an opportunity to form lifelong friendships and expand your global yoga network.

Yoga Square, Kovalam

Six of the best retreats for yoga in India

Retreats for yoga in South India cater to individuals from all walks of life. Whether you are a seasoned practitioner seeking to deepen your practice or a novice eager to explore the foundations of yoga, these retreats offer personalised guidance and expert instruction. The retreats are designed to nurture the body, mind, and soul, providing an opportunity for rejuvenation, relaxation, and self-improvement.

Strike a (comfortable) pose as we delve into six of our favourite retreats for yoga in South India, each with its unique offerings and transformative experiences.

1. SwaSwara Wellness Retreat:

Located in the tranquil countryside of Karnataka, SwaSwara Wellness Retreat is a serene sanctuary where you can reconnect with nature and yourself, whilst experiencing the joy of yoga in South India. Set against a backdrop of breathtaking vistas, this retreat offers a holistic experience that seamlessly integrates the transformative practices of yoga, Ayurveda, and naturopathy.

Certified instructors guide participants on a path of self-discovery and holistic well-being. Whether you prefer the gentle and deliberate movements of Hatha yoga, the dynamic and invigorating flow of Ashtanga, or the synchronicity of breath and movement in Vinyasa, diverse yoga styles are offered to cater to individual needs and preferences. From beginners to experienced practitioners, everyone is warmly welcomed to explore and deepen their yoga practice in a supportive and serene environment.

However, SwaSwara Wellness Retreat offers more than just yoga in South India. Tailored Ayurvedic therapies from experienced practitioners help restore balance and vitality to the mind, body, and spirit whilst a team of skilled chefs prepare delicious meals using fresh, locally sourced ingredients, with a focus on promoting health and vitality.

2. Sugati Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat, Munnar, Kerala:

Nestled in the scenic hills of Munnar in Kerala, Sugati Ayurveda & Yoga Retreat seamlessly blends ancient healing practices with the breathtaking beauty of nature. Surrounded by lush tea plantations and misty mountains, this serene and tranquil retreat is perfectly suited for rejuvenation and self-discovery and is an ideal location for yoga in South India.

Experienced and knowledgeable teachers guide participants through rejuvenating and transformative yoga sessions. From gentle stretching and breathing exercises to dynamic asanas and meditative practices, the yoga sessions cater to practitioners of all levels, creating an inclusive and supportive atmosphere.

Participants can indulge in traditional Ayurvedic massages, detoxifying therapies, and rejuvenating herbal treatments from expert practitioners, all designed to restore balance and vitality to the body, mind, and spirit.

The emphasis on Ayurvedic principles ensures that the organic meals provided are not only delicious but also promote harmony and balance within the body, prepared with locally sourced ingredients to support the body’s natural healing processes.

3. Sitaram Beach Ayurveda Retreat, Thrissur, Kerala

Situated along the pristine coastline of Thrissur, Kerala, Sitaram Beach Ayurveda Retreat combines the therapeutic benefits of Ayurveda and yoga in South India with the soothing sounds of the ocean. As the waves lull you into a state of tranquillity, you can rediscover harmony and balance within.

Knowledgeable yoga instructors guide participants through revitalising yoga sessions, harnessing the healing power of movement, breath, and mindfulness. Whether practising gentle stretches or dynamic flows, these sessions cater to all levels of experience, providing an inclusive environment that encourages personal growth and self-discovery.

Complementing the yoga practice, the retreat’s team of experienced Ayurvedic practitioners offers a range of tailored therapies and treatments to restore balance and harmony to the body, mind, and spirit. From therapeutic massages and herbal remedies to detoxification rituals and personalised wellness consultations, each Ayurvedic experience is designed to address individual needs and support the body’s natural healing abilities.

You can also stroll along the pristine coastline, feeling the soft sand beneath your feet, or bask in the warm embrace of the sun as you find solace in the sound of the waves.

4. Harivihar Heritage Homestead, Kerala

Tucked away in the heart of Calicut, Kerala, Harivihar Heritage Homestead is an enchanting retreat within a meticulously restored heritage home, adorned with traditional architecture and surrounded by lush gardens, creating an ambience of serenity and natural beauty.

If you’re looking for a holistic approach to wellness whilst practising yoga in South India, the retreat offers a harmonious fusion of yoga, Ayurveda, and meditation. Experienced yoga instructors guide participants through gentle and rejuvenating yoga sessions, tailored to suit various levels of experience and physical abilities. Whether practising gentle stretches, invigorating postures, or guided breathing exercises, these sessions create a space for self-reflection, mindfulness, and the deep connection between body, mind, and spirit.

The customised Ayurvedic treatments and therapies administered by skilled practitioners range from therapeutic massages to herbal oil treatments and detoxification rituals to promote balance, rejuvenation, and the restoration of vital energies. The use of natural herbs, oils, and traditional Ayurvedic techniques helps to cleanse the body, calm the mind, and nurture the spirit, facilitating a profound sense of relaxation and well-being.

As well as the perfect place for yoga in South India, Harivihar Heritage Homestead provides serene and tranquil spaces for meditation, beautiful gardens for leisurely walks, and nourishing meals prepared with locally sourced ingredients.

5. Kalari Kovilakom, Accredited Kerala Retreat, Palakkad, Kerala

Situated in Palakkad, Kerala, Kalari Kovilakom is an accredited retreat combining yoga with Kalari, a martial art form that integrates movement, meditation, and self-discipline. This combination, which fosters physical strength, mental clarity, and emotional balance, makes the resort one of the most unique places to experience yoga in South India.

Yoga at Kalari Kovilakom encompasses a variety of styles and approaches, each carefully designed to support the holistic well-being of the participants. From gentle and meditative practices that cultivate mindfulness and inner peace to more dynamic and vigorous sequences that enhance physical strength and flexibility, the yoga sessions cater to individuals of all levels and abilities.

Going beyond self-defence and physical prowess, Kalari combines precise movements, fluid postures, and focused meditation to cultivate strength, discipline, and mental clarity. Under the guidance of experienced Kalari instructors, participants develop physical agility and endurance and cultivate emotional resilience and a heightened sense of self-control.

Guests can immerse themselves in the natural beauty of the surroundings, finding solace and inspiration in the serenity of Palakkad’s picturesque landscapes with its lush greenery and tranquil gardens.

6. Kalari Rasayana, Kerala Ayurveda Retreat, Kollam, Kerala

Kalari Rasayana in the lush greenery of Kollam, Kerala offers a holistic sanctuary for those seeking the rejuvenation and self-discovery of yoga in South India. This Ayurveda retreat combines yoga, Ayurvedic therapies, and wholesome cuisine to create a transformative experience. Expert yoga instructors guide participants through yoga practices tailored to individual needs, promoting well-being and inner harmony.

Expert yoga instructors tailor yoga practices to suit each participant’s unique requirements. From gentle and restorative sessions that promote relaxation and release of tension to more dynamic and invigorating practices that enhance strength, flexibility, and vitality, the yoga on offer caters to all levels and abilities.

Experienced Ayurvedic practitioners offer a range of therapeutic treatments and therapies to meet the individual needs and goals of each participant. From rejuvenating massages and detoxifying therapies to herbal remedies and specialized wellness consultations, the Ayurvedic experiences restore balance and harmony within the body, mind, and spirit.

The wholesome and balanced cuisine is sourced from fresh, locally grown ingredients and prepared with love and care, with each meal thoughtfully crafted to provide optimal nutrition and align with the principles of Ayurveda. Guests are invited to explore the lush gardens, find solace in meditation spaces, and engage in gentle walks amidst the natural beauty and serene ambience that surrounds them.

Five Yoga Poses for Beginners

If you’re tempted by the idea of yoga in South India but need somewhere to start your yoga journey, here are five foundational yoga poses that provide a gentle introduction to the practice:

  1. Mountain Pose (Tadasana): Stand tall with feet hip-width apart, grounding through all four corners of the feet. Lengthen the spine, relax the shoulders, and bring the palms together at the heart centre. This pose cultivates alignment, stability, and a sense of grounding.
  2. Downward Facing Dog (Adho Mukha Svanasana): Begin on all fours with hands shoulder-width apart and knees hip-width apart. Press through the hands and lift the hips up, straightening the legs and forming an inverted “V” shape with the body. Relax the head and neck, and actively press the heels towards the ground. Downward Facing Dog stretches the entire body, particularly the hamstrings, calves, and shoulders while promoting strength and flexibility.
  3. Child’s Pose (Balasana): From a kneeling position, bring the hips back towards the heels and lower the torso down, folding forward. Extend the arms in front of you or rest them alongside the body. This gentle resting pose releases tension in the back, shoulders, and hips while providing a sense of relaxation and introspection.
  4. Warrior II (Virabhadrasana II): Start in a lunge position with one foot forward and the other foot turned out to the side. Align the front heel with the back arch. Extend the arms parallel to the ground, with the front arm reaching forward and the back arm reaching backwards. Sink into the lunge, keeping the front knee directly over the ankle. Warrior II strengthens the legs, opens the hips, and promotes balance and stability.
  5. Bridge Pose (Setu Bandha Sarvangasana): Lie on your back with knees bent and feet hip-width apart. Place the arms alongside the body with palms facing down. Press through the feet and lift the hips off the ground, engaging the glutes and inner thighs. Keep the neck and shoulders relaxed. Bridge Pose stretches the front of the body, strengthens the back, and energizes the spine.

Remember to practice these poses with awareness, listening to your body and respecting its limits. As you progress, you can gradually explore more advanced poses. It’s essential to warm up, breathe deeply, and seek guidance from a qualified yoga instructor for proper alignment and modifications.


South India, with its ancient spiritual heritage, pristine landscapes, and diverse yoga retreats, offers a transformative journey for yoga enthusiasts from around the world. Whether you are seeking physical strength, mental clarity, or inner peace, yoga in South India can provide a sanctuary where you can reconnect with yourself, explore the depths of yoga, and embark on a path of self-discovery that transcends time and boundaries.

Contact our team today to plan your private or group tour to experience yoga in South India.

Tours to tempt you to try yoga in India

Here are just a few of our tours that include yoga in South India. They are just a starting point and can be tailored to suit your needs, or expanded as a group tour.